
I made the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller – ̗̀ CLICKIER ̖́-

I made the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller – ̗̀ CLICKIER  ̖́-

One of my favorite controllers of all time was called the razer anza for the xbox 360. it was like an elite controller before elite controllers existed when you plugged this thing in you could actually feel the input lag diminish but one of the coolest features to me were the clicky face buttons it's not something you see in game.

Controllers anymore really probably because it broke like very quickly after i got it but i've been messing around with keyboards and different switches and stuff so my thick click obsession has just magnified and now i decided to take that obsession into my pro controller and i i got myself a bunch of tactiles micro switches to play around.

With and in the end we ended up with a pretty sweet feeling and looking pro controller and i finally went ahead and got myself a soldering iron this ended up being quite the journey for me but in the end i did get that satisfying click i've been looking for i can now happily throw these membrane.

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Yeah yeah i know i'm bob i watch shows on curiosity stream i'm so smart that's you that's how you sound hey so a pro controller and pretty much.

Every other game controller you've ever used has a little rubber membrane under the buttons and it feels fine and it's probably natural to you but it is mushy because you are pressing a piece of rubber under the button so that's how it's making the connections gotta push through all these things.

And that's why it feels mushy because it's literally mushy you're mushing it something like an xbox one or an xbox series x controller feels a little more clicky but that's still gonna be a membrane once you feel a tactile switch you're not gonna wanna press anything else.

Oh this is nice press the buttons so this started with the idea of getting the pro controller buttons to be just a little bit clickier and it ended with a couple of different mods being thrown in here and a slight beautification it was a relatively easy thing to do aside from the face buttons but we'll.

Get to that luckily the pro controller is very easy to take apart unlike the joy-con which are a bit more intricate and they're like what do you call it uh yeah a pain in the ass but as far as the button mod goes picking up a soldering iron is a little bit intimidating and the area that you.

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Need to solder is a little bit small but all in all it really wasn't so bad and it's a little bit forgiving so here's all the stuff you'll need if you want to do what i did today you need some micro switches and the extreme rate clicky hair trigger kit for the triggers you can just use micro switches like we.

Do for the face buttons but it's way easier to just do this and for what it's worth this is the soldering iron kit i got if you want to do the extra cosmetic stuff i got some extreme rate shells the white buttons white thumb sticks some metal files and some plastic spray paint i'll link all of this stuff that i use in the description below those links.

Will help support this channel thank you very much you may also want a drill and a tiny screwdriver the extreme rate kit comes with some chintzy little screwdrivers this sounds like an extreme raid ad because i've used a lot of extreme rate stuff it's not they were just the easiest ones to get again the focus here is on the face buttons and.

Those were some just generic buttons i used this kit that has 200 switches with 10 different types of switches which is good because i didn't know what we were going to want to use the ones i settled on were the three by six by 4.3 white ones because they are almost the perfect height to completely replace the membrane and they fit perfectly inside a.

Pro controller button so they click really well it took a lot of trial and error to come to this conclusion luckily the soldering wasn't so bad there's just two points per button because the button needs to complete the circuit that that's how buttons work it's just really tiny and my stuff moved around a lot look i'm not.

Used to soldering stuff but i'm sure the kit that i used isn't that great but it all worked out just fine in the end if you're new to soldering i'm relatively new to soldering this will probably be a fun project to get things going for you as long as you're not afraid to ruin your pro controller potentially and maybe have a backup pro controller in.

Case you do if you've soldered a bunch of stuff before and you're well versed and you have a really nice kit then you'll probably have a breeze of a time doing this i'm just so happy for you just make sure that the switches are completely flat against the board so that the buttons are the perfect height the a button is a bit weird it kind of.

Slopes off the side of the controller when i closed the case the a button was a little too tight to fix this i drilled a little of the plastic away from the inside of the a button that gave it a little more slack allowing the case to close completely i can't stress this enough only remove a little bit a very tiny bit of the.

Plastic i also gave a little bit of slack to the y button but that was probably a mistake i actually took too much away from the a and y buttons there's very little margin for error so to fix this i added some height back with some super glue i also got a little impatient with the a button and i just put a little tiny piece of.

Like a gift card it's like a millimeter thick that added some height on the a button as well and right now it feels awesome so if you're going to want to do this yourself just take that drill and remove a very slight little bit from the a button try it out close the case see if you can press the buttons and if you if it's still not doing it remove a.

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Little bit more and if you remove too much there's some ways you can add some plastic back it also help to not screw the screws in too tight when you're closing up the case or else it might cause the buttons to stay pressed i can't stress enough how perfect the spacing needs to be in order for this to work and these switches just.

Miraculously fit the bill it does help that you can drill away some of the buttons if need be but since you don't have mushy rubber to work with which is way more forgiving getting your sizes slightly off with these tactile buttons isn't so forgiving it may take a few tries i took this thing apart around 10 times to get it right.

But in the end you'll be left with a nice satisfying click sound that is way better sounding and more satisfying to press than even a brand new pro controller right out of the box i've fallen in love with that tactile feeling for gaming because you can hear and feel when a button is supposed to be pressed there's no room for miss inputs.

Here it's an immediate sensation and a bit of force feedback to let you know your inputs are working and they're being read but i didn't stop with the face buttons extreme rate makes a hair trigger kit for the shoulder buttons it essentially just puts tactile switches under all of.

The shoulder buttons it's very simple to do it replaces the whole fpc board that's up there this wobbly looking thing you also have to put clear pegs in the trigger so that it makes a better connection with the tactile switches this mod takes no soldering at all so if it's just the triggers you're worried.

About this is super simple to do they call it a hair trigger mod i mean the pro controller already has a pretty shallow trigger but these are buttons so it's like it's like you're getting in there at first they felt really tight but after playing for about a minute now now it works really good you can.

Hear the clicks the clicks are good they're definitely more sensitive than the switches i put in the face buttons i don't know if i would have wanted these switches in the face buttons but they feel really good up here okay i did some other stuff too i got the extreme rate blue shell and all white buttons.

I also got some metal files in order to shave my own stick gate into the pro controller's shell and i think i did a pretty damn good job for just eyeballing it it's what multi-shine does with their pro controllers it looks like they just eyeball it too honestly one of the files in the kit that i got.

Was like like a long triangle and that fit perfect for making the little points in the stick gate but i didn't realize that you could just buy a shell that has an octagonal gate in it already so i mean like just just do that and after all that you're left with this kind of ugly black.

Top none of the cases that i could find allowed you to replace this middle plastic part so you're always left with a black top to your pro controller but that was completely unacceptable to me so i got some of this krylon paint which has been pretty sweet to me in the past but honestly it worked fantastic here i just did a few short sprays and two.

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Coats i plugged in a random usb-c cable that i had just to make sure the usb-c port was blocked from the spray and i didn't have painters tape so i used some gaff tape i sprayed it outside so it was well ventilated it said it would be good to touch after about an hour but it didn't really feel like it so i gave it a full.

Night to dry and i'm happy i did because now it's definitely dry and now finally we're ready to put it all together and play not only do we have a great feeling controller with some tactile feedback but it's a beaut the extreme rate show that i got is like.

A soft touch i'm not sure if i would have gotten that if i knew that it was soft touch i don't want all my gunk to get all over it but i'm kind of glad i did it feels really nice it also makes for a nice matte finish not only do the buttons give you a nice tactile feedback but so do the stick gates.

The theme here is the feedback this controller gives you tactile feedback whenever you make an input at all even with the analog stick if you wanted to go above and beyond you can also add the same sort of tactile switches to the d-pad you might want to use a different type that's in the kit maybe some shallower ones.

I didn't do that because i'm never going to use the d-pad as my primary input device on a pro controller because it's like down here and i don't like the way that feels if i'm gonna be playing a 2d game i'm going to be using either the 8bitdo pro 2 or my 8bitdo fight pad thing i plan on barely using the d-pad on this thing i.

Mean in smash brothers it's like friggin emotes and stuff but anyway i'm very happy with what i've done here and i'm excited to try this thing out with a bunch of different games and see how it works uh in the coming weeks but what do you guys think about adding tactile switches to your pro controller or any controller.

Really to get that nice feedback i've essentially made a pro pro controller anyway leave it in the comments below at me on twitter any and all this other social media garbage a lot of the footage you saw here was taken from slash wolfton where i live streamed myself doing all this stuff with the controller and that long live.

Stream is being condensed into a short little video over on slash wolfton clips if you want to see more behind the scenes of how this controller was thrown together guys if you're in like the pennsylvania area in early october i'll be at too many games that's actually the weekend that the oled switch comes out so.

I'll be there hanging out with a bunch of other creators i'll be there saturday and sunday because i'm gonna try to make a video about the oled switch also thank you curiosity stream for helping support this channel so i don't have to rely on the youtube algorithm to help feed me for the week and thank you for making it this far on the.

Video the most important things you can do to help support this channel is just subscribe here and share this video with a friend a friend who maybe would like to do this for themselves or maybe you can get them to do it for you thank you guys very much have yourself a very good week oh i'm stuck.

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