
Cloudflare Tunnel: Creating Tunnels via GUI – Bypass CG-NAT

Cloudflare Tunnel: Creating Tunnels via GUI – Bypass CG-NAT

Hi guys and welcome back to another ipracorpvideo thanks for coming in and checking out the channel today and today we've got a nice quickone for you that you can jump straight into to help set up your cloudflare tunnel now ifyou've seen our full-length cloudflare tunnel video which uses the cli to help you set upyour tunnel and connect it with cloudflare that guide is still valid and still works becausecli is still supported and you have two different options to use the tunnels now so recently onthe 25th of march cloudflare announced that you can now use the web ui in their teams dashboardto set up tunnels that way rather than having to go through the cli and managing it through thecloudflared docket container there's a whole article here that they've written up which i'lllink down in the description for you to have a.

Read to help you decide whether it's somethingyou want to look at but all you need to know is if you've already got your tunnels working andexisting you don't need to change anything and once you go to the ui you'll see your existingtunnels there as well which i'll show you in a moment so this is more for any new tunnels youwant to set up if you haven't set up a tunnel before or if you've been thinking about settingup a tunnel but you just wanted an easier way to do it today's your day so we're going to show youreal quick how you can do that through the new ui and that will be part of our cloudflareseries so go hand in hand with the cli option if that's something you choose it is explainedreally well in here why you'd still want to prefer cli in certain scenarios but i thinkfor the most part most of us home users the ui.

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Works just as good so without further ado let'sjust get stuck into it and show you how to do that okay guys so first thing you're going to need todo is log into your teams dashboard for cloudflare now you can do it by accessing thengoing to teams uh alternatively you can just go to as you can see up inthe address bar and now as i said we already have some tunnels visible so as you can see here areour tunnels that already exist and it'll show you whether they're currently active or inactive soit helps you also troubleshoot how your tunnels are going if you like from your cloudflare accessdashboard so these are existing tunnels we did all of these through the cli we haven't set those upthrough the ui here those were done following our existing guide but let's say you want to now startby using the ui to set up a tunnel how would we go.

About that so let's go ahead and do that now upthe top here we can see create a tunnel click on that give it a name i'm just going to call thisone ibra proxy we'll save the tunnel and then it will ask us to install the connector as you cansee we have the option for windows mac debian red hat and docker so all those options work forus so let's go with docker copy this command and now in our terminal on the server that wewant to use this on keep in mind you can use this for unraid as well so we should be able touse this command with unraid for our unread users but go ahead and paste the command in yourterminal so there's our command that gives us the docker run it gives us this whole giant tokenand obviously after this video i will be removing it and setting up a fresh one but in your scenariojust make sure you keep that secure go ahead and.

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Execute that command we're also going to add sudoto the front okay so as you can see i've got the password wrong that happens we've re-entered thatand now it's pulling the container down for us and what do you know the container is actuallynow running now if we come back to the dashboard here we can see that the connector is nowresponding it says that it's connected our nearest data centers in melbourne and sydneyand it has our ip address here as well our origin ip which i've obviously taken out for the video italso tells you what version you're on to so once you're done go ahead and click next and now we canset up a couple of extra things so let's give it a host name and we'll call this ibraproxy and thenit allows you to pick the domain so obviously if you have a list of domains pick the one that suitsyou optionally you can also add a forward path as.

Well you can then select a service that you wantto publish out so let's say https on 443 and then save that alternatively again we can go to privatenetworks and put in the cidr that we want so eg 10 blah blah blah so this would assume that we havea dns entry and that in dns entry points to our server and on that dns entry where our reverseproxy is obviously living it's saying point us point it to this application on this particularserver that we're testing i don't actually have any real containers live and running and so it'snot really going to matter for me but for you i would put it to whatever it is you want to reverseproxy to for example go ahead and save the tunnel and there you go that's pretty much done so nowif you have a look at the tunnel it straight away shows up as ibra proxy it's showing as active andit's going to this particular route that's what.

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We've told it to direct itself to and we can thenconfigure it or delete it if we wish now obviously something worth noting if i just bring back theterminal real quick so this is just running the docker container as opposed to something likedocker compost which will allow us to redeploy the app multiple times and not have to remember theinitial command so that's why i still recommend if you guys want to do this long term still followour video our full length video for setting up through the cli and having docker compost uh asopposed to running it through a docker run command which can get a little messy but i love the optionthat it gives you for all the other operating systems like windows for example so you can setup a tunnel on windows which is fantastic and gives a lot of flexibility to everyone involvedso guys i hope you enjoyed that it's one of our.

Quick little shots to help get you going with thecloudflare tunnel and if you don't understand the benefits of why use a cloudflare tunnel what itcan do for you and why we need it then be sure to check out the full length video on cloudflaretunnels which we'll put down in the description below don't forget to like and subscribe it reallyhelps us out or subscribe to our website and join our discord all those fun things thank you verymuch we'll see you in the next hip record video you

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  1. great video. unfortunately when I go to "tunnels" it asks "choose a plan", when I click on that I have to choose a "plan", there is one that is free, but I have to enter "Credit card details" and I don't have a credit card. does anyone know anything about this? I'll check out that other video of yours to see if that works.

  2. If i go to tunnels it wants me to select a plan, even though i already created one through the cli. Anyway to get around this? Dont want to add my credit card

  3. I seemed to encounter a error it says that may tunnel is inactive. I don't know why. Is there a way to reactivate it and is there soomething else I need to do for it not deactivate again ?

  4. Do you still need to set up a ssl certificate, e.g via letsencrypt, for your services running on your home server if you use such a Cloudflare Tunnel? Thanks

  5. Great video as always. I want to set up a simple tunnel directly to nginx proxy manager, but for the life of me, I cannot get it to work. If I disable NPM and use Cloudflare as the reverse proxy by setting up a tunnel for each of my services that works, but I would like to set up a single tunnel for NPM and have it do the reverse proxy for all of my services. Any suggestions on what I might be doing wrong?

  6. Is very nice service , can you make a guide how to secure the tunnel , i am been able only to use the email, would be noce to use e service like google authenticator, also can you make a guide how to create a tunnel for nextcloud installed on unraid, i tried several time but is not working the tunnel

  7. Was following this and kept getting stuck, I've realized that at no point is there a mention of connecting to an already existing docker network. which is something he mentions in the CLI that he has setup.

  8. Do you know how to update the tunnel in my server? I have a notification that says that an update is available but I can't figure out how to do so. I'm using unraid

  9. Well a week into these and still no go. I am sure I am doing everything right. It must be my Unifi Dream Machine Pro that is blocking something. Anyone with a Unifi controller willing to help?

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