Today we will compare, 8BITDO SN30 PRO + AND 8BITDO PRO 2 Next is the comparison Both products are from 8bitdo and come from the same base it is likely that physically they will not be too different From the packaging they both look the same both for the size of the cardboard, and the design is really the same the main difference is only the name of the product on the front Even this similarity is still carried over to the inside hard and clear mica as gamepad security.
Also complete manual and type C usb cable From the product side, at first glance also looks very similar On the front they are named SN30 Pro Plus and Pro 2 On the SN30 Pro Plus it is not equipped with a profile button like the Pro 2 while for button size, analog, location and quality, there is almost no difference at all except the grid motif on the DPAD button the SN30 Plus has an arrow pattern, while the Pro 2 has a line pattern The material is also fairly the same, made of hard plastic with a matte texture with neat cutting it gives a quite premium feel.
Right at the top of the gamepad, both have a Type C port hole and a pairing button and at the bottom there are 4 small green LEDs as a connection marker on the gamepad On the back of this gamepad you can see a significant difference On the Pro 2 there are 2 additional buttons for the middle finger that can be remapping and these buttons are not present on the pro plus On Pro 2 there is a slide button to change the connection with other devices such as switches, mac, android, as well as PC While on the Pro Plus the connection method uses a combination of the start button with the X Y A or B buttons.
And if you look closely and feel closer the material on the back of the gamepad Pro 2 feels rougher than the Pro Plus and this makes for a better grip in the hand The rechargeable battery module on the back is also the same both are equipped with a 1000mah battery which can be replaced with 2 regular AA batteries and when the battery is fully charged this gamepad can be used for up to about 20 hours while for the feel of playing using these two gamepads in standard / default mode in our opinion it still feels almost the same The feel on the analog, buttons and triggers are also no different.
Although the vibration on the Pro Plus is a little shacky than the Pro 2, but this is not a problem Both can be connected to the ultimate software application for remapping buttons, adjust the size of the vibration adjust analog sensitivity, trigger buttons to use macros But, in Pro 2 this setting can be done via ultimate software installed on ios and android phones and via bluetooth connection of course while on SN30 Pro Plus settings the ultimate software can only be done via windows with a usb cable connection Don't forget that in Pro 2.
The 3 profiles that are created can be directly changed just by pressing this profile button Measuring about 16cm long, 10cm wide and 6cm thick both have very identical physical sizes but in terms of weight the Pro 2 is 7 grams heavier than the Pro Plus which weighs 217 grams With this insignificant difference in weight it is guaranteed that it will not interfere with your comfort when playing In terms of price, the SN30 Pro Plus is priced at around 500 thousand Rupiah while the Pro 2 is priced around 650 thousand Rupiah With a difference of 150 thousand Rupiah, which one to buy?.
If the nominal 150k is not a problem then Pro 2 is the best choice. newer better But if the nominal is a consideration then return it to the gamepad needs that you are looking for Are additional buttons on the back, as well as a profile button on the front is what you're looking for? if not .. then this Pro Plus is already very, very adequate So that is today's compare review for 8bitdo SN30 Pro Plus with 8bitdo Pro 2 if you have any questions, please write them in the comments.
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Lagi pesan sih yg 8bitdo pro 2 buat main zelda botw di cemu/pc.
Cara charging stik nya supaya awet, sebaiknya colok ke pc atau ke switch? Trus berapa lama pngisian batre dr kosong ke penuh nya?
beli baterai orinya dimana ya?