Video Games

Pokemon PokeWilds Guide and FAQ for beginners

Pokemon PokeWilds Guide and FAQ for beginners

Embarking on your Pokémon adventure with PokeWilds can be exciting and at the same time, overwhelming. This beginner’s guide provides a roadmap to help you navigate the game with ease and get the most out of your Pokémon adventure.

Making a New World in PokeWilds

Starting off, you need to set up your gaming world and character. Here are the steps:

  1. Type a file name for your world
  2. Select a world size
  3. Type a name for your in-game character
  4. Customize color and player

Voila! You’re ready to begin!

First Steps in PokeWilds

Your journey starts with a Machop that has the ability to Build. This is a Field Move that allows the player to construct structures.

As a new player, you should:

  1. Find Poké Balls near the shore.
  2. Recruit friendly Overworld (OW) Pokémon by interacting with them using the Z key or the A button.
  3. Look for a Pokémon that can use the field move Cut. This is essential to collect logs and grass from trees and long grass.
  4. Build a campfire for light at night and to craft useful items like Poké Balls.
  5. Catch or befriend Bug and Flying type Pokémon to gather resources for crafting a bed.
  6. Collect 3 Silky Thread from Bug-types, and 3 Soft Feathers from Flying-types to craft Soft Bedding at a Campfire.
  7. Build a house using your Machop and create a bed with the Soft Bedding and 4 logs.

General Tips for Poke Wilds

  1. Picking up wild eggs can make wild Overworld Pokémon hostile.
  2. Jumpluff and Bellossom are friendly Overworld Pokémon with Cut ability and can be found in Forest and Savannah biomes.
  3. You will respawn where you last slept, and caught Pokémon with a full party will be sent to your last sleeping place.
  4. Campfires, torches, and Fire-types with the Flash field move can provide light at night.
  5. Sleeping indoors and in a constructed bed heals your Pokémon quicker and cures status effects.
  6. Status effects can be removed by sleeping in a bed, using Berries, or by letting the Pokémon faint and then using the Sleeping Bag.
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Q: What should I do as a new player? A: You should find Poké Balls, recruit friendly OW Pokémon, find a Pokémon that can use the field move Cut, build a campfire, and construct a bed.

Q: How do I remove status effects? A: You can remove status effects by sleeping in a bed, using Berries, or by letting the Pokémon faint and then using the Sleeping Bag.

Q: What happens if I faint? A: If you faint, you will respawn where you last slept. The same applies when catching a Pokémon with no more room in your party.

Q: How can I scare off ghosts at night? A: You can scare off ghosts by using campfires, torches, and Fire-types that have the Flash field move to generate light.

Q: How can I heal my Pokémon? A: You can heal your Pokémon by sleeping indoors, and sleeping in a constructed bed heals even faster and also cures status effects.

Dive in with these guidelines and you’ll be a Pokémon master in no time!

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